Build Rapport with Learners

<aside> đź’ˇ Learners will feel a meaningful connection that develops into rapport through continuous authentic human interaction with the instructor and with peers.


Specific Techniques

Specific Techniques


Build Rapport with Learners is a DEI practice that creates rapport in the classroom. This practice benefits instructors and learners by helping to dismantle power dynamics, begin establishing trust, and open communication pathways. When instructors and learners have built rapport, learners are more likely to reach out to instructors when  having academic difficulties and to respond to suggestions for remediation.

Building rapport also facilitates a safe and trusting learning environment, which is an important component of learning. Learners feel higher motivation, increased comfort, and enhanced communication (Weimer, 2010). Learners also report higher satisfaction with courses in which they have rapport with the instructor.

Building rapport particularly helps learners of color and low income learners (Sybing, 2019), as well as other marginalized learners.

The building rapport practice helps dismantle power dynamics, begins to establish trust, and opens communication pathways. When instructors and learners have built rapport, learners are more likely to come to instructors when they are having academic difficulties and respond to suggestions for remediation.

With this practice, learners feel higher motivation, increased comfort, and enhanced communication (Weimer, 2010) in a trusting, learning environment. Learners also report higher satisfaction with courses in which they have rapport with the instructor.

How to Implement the Practice

Course Modality Considerations




References and Resources




DW Wood, Leticia Velasquez, Anita Crawley, Sally Baldwin, Casey Woodson, and Ashlie Kauffman Sarsgard