Engage Equitably and Consistently with Online Learners

<aside> 💡 Equitable, inclusive, and consistent engagement with online learners will help learners feel supported as they work toward achieving course outcomes.


Specific Techniques


Engaging equitably, inclusively, and consistently with learners in online teaching environments requires awareness, intent, and commitment. It requires self-reflection and education to build awareness of internalized biases and assumptions. It does not mean interacting with each student equally in terms of quantity. It means understanding the diversity of needs and contexts among individual online learners, and engaging based on their needs and circumstances to ensure meeting those needs, and doing that consistently by turning a critical eye throughout the online course content, interactions, assessments, and feedback.

“Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. “ (Equality v. Equity, 2021)

How to Implement the Practice

To implement this practice:

Course Modality Considerations




References and Resources




Alexandra M. Pickett, Paul Montone, Steven Edwards